Saturday, June 16, 2007

From Leif

I met Annapurna sometime after I returned from India, visiting NKB Ashrams in 1982. I will always treasure our friendship. She was a very generous person.When I met my partner Pam I was suprised to find out that they had been childhood friends in Sacramento and later went to Berkeley in the 60's at the same time. Another wonderful coincidence. Pam told me that she had dinner with Annapurna and some college friends the Friday before she left her body, and that she was happy and radiant, as usual.I e-mailed Swami Staya Nanada of the Devi Mandir Ashram in Napa as soon as I heard about her passing. Swami remembered her from the Kainchi Temple days with Maharajji.A Chandi Homa (Devine Mother Puja) will sponsored on her behalf at the Mandir. This Homa should be on the Temple Web Cam at 9:30 am Sunday, June 17th at this website. I feel very sad yet happy that I knew her. I feel her presence now more strongly than ever. Leif

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