Wednesday, June 20, 2007

From Lin Evola-Smidt

Annapurna was and is one of my closest friends. We met at the Pine Street Clinic in 1994. I had just written the Peace Angels Project and felt very sincere in my deep appreciation of what had happened in the inspiration. I felt very insecure though about the magnitude of the Peace Angels vision. Throughout all of the subsequent years I was able to call Annapurna at all hours of the day and night to discuss with her the spirit of Peace Angels. She had had her own spiritual vision about the angels that had told her how important this mission is to help the world. It was sometimes her confidence that helped me to hold on and to continue in the balance of forgiveness and humility. I love her so very, very much. She had gotten to me relics from the Dalai Lama's lineage for the base of the New York Renaissance Peace Angel which was unveiled at Crossroads School of Arts and Sciences and then, at the entrance to the World Trade Center tragedy post 9/11. She guided me as only a very close friend can. I will keep her in my heart with my husband, Daniel. Speaking to them, becomes a way deeper. Listening becomes the journey.

Lin Evola-Smidt
Founder of the Peace Angels Project

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