She is remembered for her courtesy, generosity, and devotion.
She is remembered for her loving-kindness.
She was a graceful woman who brought benefit to herself, her family, her friends, and all sentient beings through her honest, faithful, practice of the Dharma.
Both myself and my family remember her in our prayers.
Please, do not think of what you have lost by her passing.
Think instead of what you gained by her presence and be joyful.
William L. Cassidy
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
From Katy Perlman
I met Annapurna in the late 70's in Boulder, CO where we worked together at the Karmapa's house during his month-long stay. She was my favorite person to work with, always steady and optimistic. I loved her blend of magical qualities and grounded presence. She seemed to teach naturally just by the way that she moved in the world. Our paths had not crossed for years and I didn't learn of her passing until recently---but a few days before I learned the news, I found myself thinking about her quite vividly. I hope my own passing will be as graceful. Good bye lovely being. Thank you for your special gifts.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
From Ravi Dass
Goodbye and I will see you soon most likely.
Annapurna was one of my favorite manifestations of the Mother on Earth. She has shared her life with me in her many ways for over 35 years from Kausani and Kainchi to parties in Corte Madera, the clinic, to phone therapy sessions and of course our birthday parties. What a wonderful way to go to the beyond, even though she will be missed, the training must not be delayed. How wonderful for her to ascend now and be with the Mother. There is nothing to compare.
Bye and I will always be thinking of you.
Goodbye and I will see you soon most likely.
Annapurna was one of my favorite manifestations of the Mother on Earth. She has shared her life with me in her many ways for over 35 years from Kausani and Kainchi to parties in Corte Madera, the clinic, to phone therapy sessions and of course our birthday parties. What a wonderful way to go to the beyond, even though she will be missed, the training must not be delayed. How wonderful for her to ascend now and be with the Mother. There is nothing to compare.
Bye and I will always be thinking of you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
From Jessica Barrilleaux
We only met last summer and were instant sister's and friends. We have so many connections. I was involved with the Hanuman Temple in Taos and also the lama foundation there. We met at fund raiser for the Heffter Institute and had journey work in common.
I was a very deep place of loss in June. I lost my llama which was like my child. I nursed her for weeks and finally had to let go. I could not be on emails for awhile with my grief.. And during that time is when I received notice. Annapurna was an amazing being and so loved by so many. By ALL who met. Like I said.. We had an instant connection and spoke of common friends.
I was a very deep place of loss in June. I lost my llama which was like my child. I nursed her for weeks and finally had to let go. I could not be on emails for awhile with my grief.. And during that time is when I received notice. Annapurna was an amazing being and so loved by so many. By ALL who met. Like I said.. We had an instant connection and spoke of common friends.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
From Marty Evans
i lived with Annapurna in NY on Groton street in forest hills. Gita was about 2 years old at the time. she was an incredible inspiration to me, and from what i saw, to the others in the house as well. she had such a strong practice, and also had such incredible intuition. she was a foundation for us given that we came from such crazy backgrounds with little or no practice. i always appreciated her straight forward sense of reality, and lack of pretension. i loved that even after so long she still had an open heart for me and was interested in me and how my life had evolved. i even crashed at her place in Marin when i first came to CA back in 1989 or 1990. i remember coming out of my room and seeing her sitting in front of her altar. i really feel her loss.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
From Sakina Sati
For several days now, I have been looking for the right words to express my feelings with about Annapurna's passing. I realize those elusive words must not exist after all, since I am still speechless. As one of the first generation of satsang children, Annapurna was a spiritual auntie to me. I have more memories of her loving presence than I can sort through, and each seems so perfect and beautiful as to be unrecountable. As I read through the stories here, I realize how distinct my perception is of Annapurna... one of a sweet, humble, maternal figure feeding me licorice bark, listening to music in her room, talking about daily things, making dinners of salad and tea. I will never forget her grand inner beauty or the tiniest of her details. She has definately touched and changed me for the better and I cherish the lessons I have learned from her loving nature. Annapurna, I wish I had the proper words to honor you with, but these words seem ridiculous and frail, strung together like beads on a tenuous thread, the proverbial bridge of hair over the chasm of fire, so instead I offer you my open heart to read prayers from. Om Namah Shivayah. Jai Jai Jai Kali Ma.
With boundless love,
Sakina Sati
With boundless love,
Sakina Sati
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
From Rene Pittet
i met annapurna at sokoji in 1968. in 1969 we worked together at the post office and the customs warehouse. after your mother left zen center i followed her adventures through the spiritual grapevine. once she became famous in india during the ram dass interval with maharaji, stories were plentiful and her healing practices became a legend in our time. i ran into her again at karmadzong in the mid-seventies and several other times during the passing decades. i last saw her at green gulch for suzuki roshis 100th birthday celebration. we held each other magically for a time and she gave me her card promising free acupuncture. i had an email from her several weeks ago offering free acupuncture again to ease my pain from a recent motorcycle accident and surgery. i put it off. now i find that annapurna lived in greenbrae too only a few blocks from my house. i feel terrible for not taking her love and caring more seriously, like the precious gift offering it was. i feel blind to my life and all it offers. i love annapurna. i have loved her for 40 years. please forgive me for not taking her final gift offering of care and healing.
om mani padme hum
om mani padme hum
From Lin Evola-Smidt
Annapurna was and is one of my closest friends. We met at the Pine Street Clinic in 1994. I had just written the Peace Angels Project and felt very sincere in my deep appreciation of what had happened in the inspiration. I felt very insecure though about the magnitude of the Peace Angels vision. Throughout all of the subsequent years I was able to call Annapurna at all hours of the day and night to discuss with her the spirit of Peace Angels. She had had her own spiritual vision about the angels that had told her how important this mission is to help the world. It was sometimes her confidence that helped me to hold on and to continue in the balance of forgiveness and humility. I love her so very, very much. She had gotten to me relics from the Dalai Lama's lineage for the base of the New York Renaissance Peace Angel which was unveiled at Crossroads School of Arts and Sciences and then, at the entrance to the World Trade Center tragedy post 9/11. She guided me as only a very close friend can. I will keep her in my heart with my husband, Daniel. Speaking to them, becomes a way deeper. Listening becomes the journey.
Lin Evola-Smidt
Founder of the Peace Angels Project
Lin Evola-Smidt
Founder of the Peace Angels Project
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
From Diana Duncan
Saturday night, the Center was delightful, and so was Lama Palden.
The shrine room was packed with people and flowers.
The practice of Amitabha was perfect. Annapurna would have totally approved. Lama Palden started the night by saying she didn't really even need our prayers according to her most highest teacher who did Powa for her -
and that Annapurna was in a great place now -
I really felt she was, and it was those of us who knew her, that were having a hard time letting go!
She's gone gone to the Pure Land, and it is us here, that still want her here....
Our minds/hearts must be much slower in 'grasping' the realization that she is now gone.
With love, Diana
The shrine room was packed with people and flowers.
The practice of Amitabha was perfect. Annapurna would have totally approved. Lama Palden started the night by saying she didn't really even need our prayers according to her most highest teacher who did Powa for her -
and that Annapurna was in a great place now -
I really felt she was, and it was those of us who knew her, that were having a hard time letting go!
She's gone gone to the Pure Land, and it is us here, that still want her here....
Our minds/hearts must be much slower in 'grasping' the realization that she is now gone.
With love, Diana
Monday, June 18, 2007
From Betty Kronsky
Annapurna: I remember her as a continued loving presence in the Dordogne in France, where we were receiving teachings first from Dudjom Rinpoche and then in later years from his son Shenphen Rinpoche. I remember Annapurna with her wonderful embroidered carpet bags, always traveling light, and seeming light in her contact with the earth. Always there, as if she had simply willed herself there, and there she was—attentive, listening, blissful to be near her teachers. She was living her dharma, a true “dzogchen yogi.” Although there were moments when her breath was labored, she never lost that lightness.
She was sitting next to me in a shelter outside Dudjom Rinpoche’s home, La Pechardie, in 1987, the summer after his death. We were there in a group to say goodbye to His Holiness, whose body was being cared for and preserved, before it would be taken to Bodhanath in Nepal to be laid in the golden stupa inside his temple. We both felt an indescribable lightness and breath of dharma, as if His Holiness had left us the gift of his transcendent being in that room.
On my last trip to Nepal for the enthronement of the reincarnation of Dudjom Rinpoche—was it 15 years ago?—Annapurna, Gita and I traveled to Pokhara to be near the great mountain Annapurna, which she had never before seen. We arose early, before sunrise, to see the snow-covered mountain range before it would be shrouded in clouds. We sat on the roof and sipped tea, as the mountain slowly materialized out of the pre-dawn darkness. All around us, on every roof, there were people there to greet the mountain. As you can imagine, Annapurna was blissful at the sight.
Although I lived in Santa Fe, I visited Annapurna many times these past ten years in her home and later in her apartment by the river. She was always caring. Our ongoing conversation, however, was mainly by email. Her email became for many people the expression of her generosity. Many times the subject line would read simply “love”, She addressed me: “lady of the luminous splendor”; “lady of light”, “Buddha girl”. “So, Lady of Luminous Light, fill your days with the sublime bliss of your true nature…” She wished to remind every person of our empty and radiant Buddha nature: that became her mission. It was her natural calling.
When I became ill with cancer in the Fall of 2004, she not only put me in touch with Michael for advice, but herself gave me many ideas of supplements I could take. She also suggested a visualization: “Every cell, atom, molecule, DNA, perfect and full of light, every breath and heartbeat benefiting others.” She also said she would release fish for me, a practice she did faithfully every month with Christine Moen and others.
Our birthdays were a day apart—hers on January 4, and she never forgot to send greetings. Many great practitioners choose to die alone. I’m sure she knew what to do.
I join all the others in feeling she is now OK, because she knew how to release her karmic tendencies and clingings while she was alive, and how much more so in the process of dying!
Betty Kronsky
She was sitting next to me in a shelter outside Dudjom Rinpoche’s home, La Pechardie, in 1987, the summer after his death. We were there in a group to say goodbye to His Holiness, whose body was being cared for and preserved, before it would be taken to Bodhanath in Nepal to be laid in the golden stupa inside his temple. We both felt an indescribable lightness and breath of dharma, as if His Holiness had left us the gift of his transcendent being in that room.
On my last trip to Nepal for the enthronement of the reincarnation of Dudjom Rinpoche—was it 15 years ago?—Annapurna, Gita and I traveled to Pokhara to be near the great mountain Annapurna, which she had never before seen. We arose early, before sunrise, to see the snow-covered mountain range before it would be shrouded in clouds. We sat on the roof and sipped tea, as the mountain slowly materialized out of the pre-dawn darkness. All around us, on every roof, there were people there to greet the mountain. As you can imagine, Annapurna was blissful at the sight.
Although I lived in Santa Fe, I visited Annapurna many times these past ten years in her home and later in her apartment by the river. She was always caring. Our ongoing conversation, however, was mainly by email. Her email became for many people the expression of her generosity. Many times the subject line would read simply “love”, She addressed me: “lady of the luminous splendor”; “lady of light”, “Buddha girl”. “So, Lady of Luminous Light, fill your days with the sublime bliss of your true nature…” She wished to remind every person of our empty and radiant Buddha nature: that became her mission. It was her natural calling.
When I became ill with cancer in the Fall of 2004, she not only put me in touch with Michael for advice, but herself gave me many ideas of supplements I could take. She also suggested a visualization: “Every cell, atom, molecule, DNA, perfect and full of light, every breath and heartbeat benefiting others.” She also said she would release fish for me, a practice she did faithfully every month with Christine Moen and others.
Our birthdays were a day apart—hers on January 4, and she never forgot to send greetings. Many great practitioners choose to die alone. I’m sure she knew what to do.
I join all the others in feeling she is now OK, because she knew how to release her karmic tendencies and clingings while she was alive, and how much more so in the process of dying!
Betty Kronsky
Sunday, June 17, 2007
A dream
I was also honored to know Annapurna as a good friend and Dhama sister and was deeply touched by her Being in many ways over the years. Most recently I was touched by an encounter with her in a dream. it was several nights ago (while on retreat in Holland) and prior to my knowing about her passing. In this dream, I come upon a small red house called 'Bardo House'. I meet Annapurna there and ask her how it is going and she answers 'blissful so far'. The house has behind it an ordinary sized white porcelain pristine bathtub in the earth. the bathtub is empty, sparkling white - luminous. I feel revealed in this dream both the reality of my / our loss, and of Annapurna's journey as well as the deeper reality of our true condition as deathless.
Such a mystery !
Journey well, Rainbow Dakini. . .
Susannah Bluestein-Grover
Midi-Pyrenees, southern France
Such a mystery !
Journey well, Rainbow Dakini. . .
Susannah Bluestein-Grover
Midi-Pyrenees, southern France
Very important for Annapurna's spirit and evolution !
Hello friends !
This is an effective and powerfull ritual. It help the deceased soul to rich light and also is a proof of love for the passed by person.
It contains in a light offrande made by burning 7 candles dayly durig 49 days...
every day, those candles must burn in front of Lady Annapurna's picture. And so on until 49 days are gone.
I hope that many of you will perform this ritual for our beloved Annapurna !
May God take care of her loving soul !
Agood day for al of you, from Romania, Nicu !
This is an effective and powerfull ritual. It help the deceased soul to rich light and also is a proof of love for the passed by person.
It contains in a light offrande made by burning 7 candles dayly durig 49 days...
every day, those candles must burn in front of Lady Annapurna's picture. And so on until 49 days are gone.
I hope that many of you will perform this ritual for our beloved Annapurna !
May God take care of her loving soul !
Agood day for al of you, from Romania, Nicu !
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Saturday Evening Meditation
We will hold an Amitabha puja for her at Sukhasiddhi Foundation in San Rafael this Saturday evening, June 16th at 7 pm. This is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation ceremony to shower her with love and merit so as to create the best possible circumstances for her now and in the future. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please arrive a little early so we can start on time. Flowers are welcome.
Lama Palden
Sukhasiddhi Foundation
Please arrive a little early so we can start on time. Flowers are welcome.
Lama Palden
Sukhasiddhi Foundation
From Walden Welch
Anna's last appointment with me was on March 12th. She was very aware then that in the summer of 2007 she was going under the influence of tremedously difficult aspects from the plantet Pluto ( which rules death.) We spoke about this during her session and I would very much like to write a tribute to Anna on my website and tell of this. I loved her so very much.
Walden Welch
Walden Welch
From Beverly Sky
I first met Annapurna or Georgianne Coffey at the Macrobiotic student house in Brookline Mass where we were studing with Michio and Aveline Kushi in 1967. Always beautiful,kind and generous of spirit, every now and then she would be felled by an asthma attack, taking her breath away. One time Michio and I applied ginger fomentations for her frail respiratory system for an hour and half before she could breath easily again. We took to calling her Georgianne Coffing.It is a miracle that she survived so long and with a life filled with adventures,hardships as well as joy and tremendous spiritual integrity in this challenging world.I miss her great spirit in our midst and wish her peace where ever her spirit travels to now...
From Leif
I met Annapurna sometime after I returned from India, visiting NKB Ashrams in 1982. I will always treasure our friendship. She was a very generous person.When I met my partner Pam I was suprised to find out that they had been childhood friends in Sacramento and later went to Berkeley in the 60's at the same time. Another wonderful coincidence. Pam told me that she had dinner with Annapurna and some college friends the Friday before she left her body, and that she was happy and radiant, as usual.I e-mailed Swami Staya Nanada of the Devi Mandir Ashram in Napa as soon as I heard about her passing. Swami remembered her from the Kainchi Temple days with Maharajji.A Chandi Homa (Devine Mother Puja) will sponsored on her behalf at the Mandir. This Homa should be on the Temple Web Cam at 9:30 am Sunday, June 17th at this website. I feel very sad yet happy that I knew her. I feel her presence now more strongly than ever. Leif
From Durga
When Uma telephoned to tell me the news, at first I couldn't believe it. Annapurna, so alive and so vibrant, was now, in a seeming instant, gone? A couple of hours later while thinking of Annapurna, I had such a clear flash that she was perfectly fine. Not only fine, but radiantly happy. Vedanta says that when a person's prarabdha karma (those karmas which brought that person into this life) are over, when those are finished, then that body drops. But the dropping of the body, although the end of that body, is not the end of the 'person.' According to that understanding, whatever it was that Annapurna had to accomplish in this life has been accomplished, and she had no more need for that body, no more karmas to fulfill in that physical form. But for us who remain, there is a feeling of great loss. She was a friend to all. A compassionate healer, always loving and kind. A great story teller, with many wonderful tales to tell. And a dharmi extrodinaire! Always with positive outlook and a unique and upbeat take on all things, she shone her light on all those around her. May the joy of her presence continue to live amongst us. May she be happy and free from all suffering. May her legacy of kindness and joy continue to grow, and never diminish. We will miss her in that form which we loved so well. We will miss her humor and her charm. The end of the body is not the end of the being, although it is the end of that form. This seeming paradox is often difficult for us to accept, let alone comprehend, but for Annapurna, whose wisdom ran deep, such an understanding was a mere piece of cake! Love to all,Durga
From Judi Shils
I met Annapurna in a small dress shop of a friend about a year ago and her luminence never left me. This past March the Search for the Cause, an organization that I run honored her as one of Marin's 100 Magnificent Women. Leading up to the celebration we photographed and videotaped each of the women. Your mom was so soulful, elegant, beautiful and a peace envleoped the room as soon as she walked in. Even my 16 year old daughter was entranced when your moms gaze met hers. I wish that I had gotten to know her though that moment in time I will always treasure. I love listening to her music that she gifted us with. thank you for including us in your outreach. my prayers. Love, Judi Shils
From Jo'Ann Ruhl
I awoke this morning to find Annapurna sitting on my bed, petting my dog Cleo, who passed on Tuesday. She looked up at me and with that sweet child like voice said “So Jo’Ann, we finally meet.” I laughed at the comment. We smiled at one another and sat quietly for a while and both petted my dog. She looked radiant and happy. She could breathe deeply now. As emails are coming to me from so many people that Annapurna had sent my way, I couldn’t help but feel such a sense of awe about this woman. No one has ever touched my life like her, to have so many people come to me through the years. We all have this common bond with Annapurna; what a wonderful gift we all have. I’ll tell you all a secret - every time Annapurna had a session, it was always on a day when I had been struggling with something about this crazy work I do. I knew her guides would have something for me in the session. It was like a secret code, something they would say for her that also had some hidden meaning for me. I have come to know them as well as her through the years; they are as much a friend as she is. They laugh so much; Anna’s guides are the most jovial beings I’ve ever met. As you can all imagine, her guides, like her, are pure joy and love. It had never occurred to me that we hadn’t met in the physical. I felt I knew her for so many years, had spent such wonderful moments with her, we even had many, many friends in common, so when she said “So, Jo’Ann, we finally meet”, I laughed. We still have not met in the physical, have we! So here I am greatly blessed and I have tremendous gratitude, for very little has changed about our relationship. Once again Annapurna has reminded me to be grateful and appreciate what I do in this world. A being as lovely as she couldn’t possibly stay too long here, she needs the purer light and love of source like a little beautiful gold fish needs water, it’s why she had such a hard time breathing.
From Mohan

In this first picture a group of Gopis (Annapurna, Radha, Parvati, Annasuya & Sita) are bringing there special offerings to Maharaji as it is His birthday. This special occasion allowed them to make a unique special offering of food & love to Him. There she is right in front as they walk towards Him.

This second photo was taken a little while later when Babaji was distributing Prasad to all of us. Annapurna’s radiant blissful smile as she looks at Maharaji sitting on his thakat.
Friday, June 15, 2007
From Radha Baum
We've known each other since 1971, and spent much loving time together with Neem Karoli Baba in India. As you know, she was a very special person, beautiful, kind, generous and funny. She was the only one of us in India who had shiny hair, and she was was happy to share the secret of how she washed it. Through out the years I remember her telling me macrobiotic remedies and stories the psychics told her. Both of us are acupuncturists, and I could always call her when I was having challenges with patients. She knew just the right herbs to prescribe.
Since I live in NY we didn't get to see each other often. Last time I saw her was a few years ago in Central Park when His Holiness was speaking to a few hundred thousand people. She looked radiant, and said that she had been quite healthy! I was not, as I was ill with pneumonia. She was so compassionate, and once again a wealth of wisdom prescribing herbs to take, and describing the process of the illness. I felt much better just being in her presence.
So many will miss her much.
Radha Baum
Since I live in NY we didn't get to see each other often. Last time I saw her was a few years ago in Central Park when His Holiness was speaking to a few hundred thousand people. She looked radiant, and said that she had been quite healthy! I was not, as I was ill with pneumonia. She was so compassionate, and once again a wealth of wisdom prescribing herbs to take, and describing the process of the illness. I felt much better just being in her presence.
So many will miss her much.
Radha Baum
From Cassidy Trager
Annapurna was so instrumental in supporting my practice which is Theravada Buddhism.
I remember speaking to her about changing to the Tibetian practice. Her response was "be completely proficient in your practice before attempting another one". I believe that night I received a sign... my Burmese teacher came to me in a dream and said the following "why are you running all over the world looking for teachings when you have them already"?
I then did not go to Nepal but attended a retreat here in California with my Burmese teacher Sayadaw U Pandita. This retreat changed my life forever and I decided to spend three mos. in Burma.
Your mom helped me with all the medical things I needed to do and took me out to dinner at the Indonesian restaurant in Marin a few days before I departed.
Although we saw each other infrequently the Dharma was our bond. She was so inspiring and uplifting. I will miss her and cherish the times we shared.
My good thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Much metta
I remember speaking to her about changing to the Tibetian practice. Her response was "be completely proficient in your practice before attempting another one". I believe that night I received a sign... my Burmese teacher came to me in a dream and said the following "why are you running all over the world looking for teachings when you have them already"?
I then did not go to Nepal but attended a retreat here in California with my Burmese teacher Sayadaw U Pandita. This retreat changed my life forever and I decided to spend three mos. in Burma.
Your mom helped me with all the medical things I needed to do and took me out to dinner at the Indonesian restaurant in Marin a few days before I departed.
Although we saw each other infrequently the Dharma was our bond. She was so inspiring and uplifting. I will miss her and cherish the times we shared.
My good thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Much metta
From Suzanne Soehner
Dear Nicky:
Your mom and I have a deep spiritual connection that transcends time and space. From the moment I met her at Dudjom Rinpoche's teachings at Laugeral in '84, I knew that we have been connected since forever. Her passing doesn't end that connection. I have no doubt that we will eventually meet again in Guru Rinpoche's pureland, Zangdok Palri. Always the torchbearer, she will continue to lead the way with her loving light.
I could tell so many stories of her unconditional love and friendship, of her being there for me during times of great discouragement, always able to burst the bubble of my despair with a few words of wisdom. As well as stories of great hilarity. But it would be impossible for me to add anything that hasn't already been beautifully expressed by all of her friends on your wonderful blog. (Brilliant idea, by the way!)
So on this day of Annapurna's cremation, I will simply express my great respect and love for her, and reflect on the wisdom of the Prajnaparamita which she so exquisitely embodied.
Much love to you, Nicky, and to Gita.
Suzanne Soehner
Your mom and I have a deep spiritual connection that transcends time and space. From the moment I met her at Dudjom Rinpoche's teachings at Laugeral in '84, I knew that we have been connected since forever. Her passing doesn't end that connection. I have no doubt that we will eventually meet again in Guru Rinpoche's pureland, Zangdok Palri. Always the torchbearer, she will continue to lead the way with her loving light.
I could tell so many stories of her unconditional love and friendship, of her being there for me during times of great discouragement, always able to burst the bubble of my despair with a few words of wisdom. As well as stories of great hilarity. But it would be impossible for me to add anything that hasn't already been beautifully expressed by all of her friends on your wonderful blog. (Brilliant idea, by the way!)
So on this day of Annapurna's cremation, I will simply express my great respect and love for her, and reflect on the wisdom of the Prajnaparamita which she so exquisitely embodied.
Much love to you, Nicky, and to Gita.
Suzanne Soehner
From Cindy Palmer Horowitz

Dear Nick, Gita, and Michael,
You are all in my prayers and thoughts and each day. I dedicate my Red Tara practice to Annapurna and she smiles from a picture on my altar. She's amidst a wonderful bouquet of the vibrant colors she so loved...I enjoyed her interview on line so much. I was there when she wore that red sequined dress!I am still in disbelief at her sudden departure ...when I received your e-mail, Nick, --after re-reading it about 50 time--I just reached over and dialed her number. Her sweet voice was still on the machine. I will miss her immensely. I too met her as Georgeanne, but Annapurna was the right name for her. We discovered macrobiotics and zazen together, sat with Suzuki Roshi and Katagiri, danced at the Fillmore and were suffused with the energy of changing our consciousness through buddhism, food, compassionate action and LSD. We lost touch with each other for quite a long time in the 70's, missed the raising of our respective children--but reconnected in a restroom line at a conference on Entheogens! Once reconnected, we never lost track of each other again...and spent many wonderful hours together. For a few years we drove around Marin and Sonoma looking at land, loving the idea of living in community together. We fantacized many exotic travel plans too...Annapurna's sweetness and generosity were unsurpassed...she DID always looks for the light, and the lightness of things...she enchanted my kids and always offered them acupuncture. My daughter, Winona, was so sad at her passing. She said, "Annapurna was such a girl!..she loved fashion and clothes, and even gossiping!" She did Tarot readings for my children, infused with subtle life teachings, and always made them feel special. She always made ME feel uplifted lighter as well! I'll miss her great sense of humor, her political savy, her diverting tales of conspiracies and past lives...and our lunches at Eliza's, where the Eliza Cakes (onion pancakes w/peanut sauce) were her favorite...Yes, dearheart, keep going to the light; you left plenty behind for us!
Much love,
Cindy Palmer Horowitz
From Gangadhar/Mark Gerhard
I met Annapurna in India in 1972. My college friend Nicholas Magriel had a house in Assapour, a few miles from Sarnath where the Buddha gave his Deer Park discourse.
The house was an adobe set between fields of eggplants and mustard. We had just come from spending time with Maharaji (Neem/Neeb Karoli/Karore Baba) in Vrindaban and had only been in India one month. Nick was a crazed sarangi player with a demonic passion for musical intoxication. I was with my family of close musical friends -Jai/Govind/Janaki/Ganga.
Nick took us to visit Dhammadipo and Annapurna who lived a mile or two away. We walked through the mustard fields and rice paddies to their house. Dressed in lungis and kurtas and chappals, we strode into the sunset feeling rural India's magic charm. We arrived at a Raj era colonial mansion, two stories with colanades and balconies, behind a massive wall. Let in by a chokidhar through a metal door, I sensed we were leaving the realm of reality and maybe going back through time, or into another dimension. Climbing up to the second story we visited with Annapurna and Dhammadipo in their chambers. We sat on ropebeds and ate peanuts. The cracking of the peanut shells became the music we made, a kirtan all of its own.Annapurna didn't wear a sari, she was dressed in Nepalese fashion and she floated through the night like some kind of character straight off a thangka. With a cheshire cat smile, she beamed and radiated something, though the room was dim and barely lit. I don't remember much else but the beauty of the moonlight on the way back home echoed something distant and ancient.
Gangadhar/Mark Gerhard
The house was an adobe set between fields of eggplants and mustard. We had just come from spending time with Maharaji (Neem/Neeb Karoli/Karore Baba) in Vrindaban and had only been in India one month. Nick was a crazed sarangi player with a demonic passion for musical intoxication. I was with my family of close musical friends -Jai/Govind/Janaki/Ganga.
Nick took us to visit Dhammadipo and Annapurna who lived a mile or two away. We walked through the mustard fields and rice paddies to their house. Dressed in lungis and kurtas and chappals, we strode into the sunset feeling rural India's magic charm. We arrived at a Raj era colonial mansion, two stories with colanades and balconies, behind a massive wall. Let in by a chokidhar through a metal door, I sensed we were leaving the realm of reality and maybe going back through time, or into another dimension. Climbing up to the second story we visited with Annapurna and Dhammadipo in their chambers. We sat on ropebeds and ate peanuts. The cracking of the peanut shells became the music we made, a kirtan all of its own.Annapurna didn't wear a sari, she was dressed in Nepalese fashion and she floated through the night like some kind of character straight off a thangka. With a cheshire cat smile, she beamed and radiated something, though the room was dim and barely lit. I don't remember much else but the beauty of the moonlight on the way back home echoed something distant and ancient.
Gangadhar/Mark Gerhard
From Suzanne Soehner
Annapurna and I have a deep spiritual connection that transcends time and space. From the moment I met her at Dudjom Rinpoche's teachings at Laugeral in '84, I knew that we have been connected since forever. Her passing doesn't end that connection. I have no doubt that we will eventually meet again in Guru Rinpoche's pureland, Zangdok Palri. Always the torch-bearer, she will continue to lead the way with her loving light.
I could tell so many stories of her unconditional love and friendship, of her being there for me during times of great discouragement, always able to burst the bubble of my despair with a few words of wisdom. As well as stories of great hilarity. But it would be impossible for me to add anything that hasn't already been so beautifully expressed by all of her friends who have posted on your wonderful blog. (Brilliant idea, by the way!)
So on this day of Annapurna's cremation I will simply express my great respect and love for her, and reflect on the wisdom of the Prajnaparamita, which she so equisitely embodied.
Suzanne Soehner
I could tell so many stories of her unconditional love and friendship, of her being there for me during times of great discouragement, always able to burst the bubble of my despair with a few words of wisdom. As well as stories of great hilarity. But it would be impossible for me to add anything that hasn't already been so beautifully expressed by all of her friends who have posted on your wonderful blog. (Brilliant idea, by the way!)
So on this day of Annapurna's cremation I will simply express my great respect and love for her, and reflect on the wisdom of the Prajnaparamita, which she so equisitely embodied.
Suzanne Soehner
From Gary Gach
vast oceans are merely creased by waves
deep with cunning are the hearts of knaves
water evaporates eventually the bottom shown
when annapurna passed over her final thoughts remain unknown
vast oceans are merely creased by waves
deep with cunning are the hearts of knaves
water evaporates eventually the bottom shown
when annapurna passed over her final thoughts remain unknown
From Roberta Godbe
Although I was a new friend, I felt such a deep friendship and love for you mom. We both danced for His Holiness with Lama Paldens group two years ago, I think, and there was a instantaneous connection. I have had health challenges this year, and have been out of touch with so many friends because of it, however I was looking forward to spending more time with Anapurna and deepening in friendship and dharma.
You are indeed blessed to have such a rare mom. She loved you alot and spoke to me about you as I have a son also who is now in college back east. She is in my prayers and heart and will always be there. If there is any way I can be of help to you please let me know. This is a huge loss, and as you know will take time, much time to process. However, knowing that your mom lived as consciously and freely as she did, can let your soul rest in this. However the human loss is beyond any words, and important to feel fully. I'll be there on Saturday.
Much love and blessings,
Roberta Godbe
You are indeed blessed to have such a rare mom. She loved you alot and spoke to me about you as I have a son also who is now in college back east. She is in my prayers and heart and will always be there. If there is any way I can be of help to you please let me know. This is a huge loss, and as you know will take time, much time to process. However, knowing that your mom lived as consciously and freely as she did, can let your soul rest in this. However the human loss is beyond any words, and important to feel fully. I'll be there on Saturday.
Much love and blessings,
Roberta Godbe
From Mike Dickman
One of my favourite memories of Anapurna is of an evening in the barn at Laugeral in the Dordogne. We were doing a concert at the end of the teachings and I'd been up playing this, that and the next thing for a while. There was a break, and then suddenly there was Anapurna on the airs all around us, singing Donovan's Catch the Wind. It was great to hear the song again after all those years, and a great version... remains in my heart to this day.
Since today is your cremation day, my friend, here's the song again (or its words, anyway)... Hope you do catch that wind...
Sail on!
In the chilly hours and minutes,
Of uncertainty, I want to be,
In the warm hold of your loving mind.
To feel you all around me,
And to take your hand, along the sand,
Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind.
When sundown pales the sky,
I wanna hide a while, behind your smile,
And everywhere I'd look, your eyes I'd find.
For me to love you now,
Would be the sweetest thing, 'twould make me sing,
Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind.
When rain has hung the leaves with tears,
I want you near, to kill my fears
To help me to leave all my blues behind.
For standin' in your heart,
Is where I want to be, and I long to be,
Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind.
Since today is your cremation day, my friend, here's the song again (or its words, anyway)... Hope you do catch that wind...
Sail on!
In the chilly hours and minutes,
Of uncertainty, I want to be,
In the warm hold of your loving mind.
To feel you all around me,
And to take your hand, along the sand,
Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind.
When sundown pales the sky,
I wanna hide a while, behind your smile,
And everywhere I'd look, your eyes I'd find.
For me to love you now,
Would be the sweetest thing, 'twould make me sing,
Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind.
When rain has hung the leaves with tears,
I want you near, to kill my fears
To help me to leave all my blues behind.
For standin' in your heart,
Is where I want to be, and I long to be,
Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind.
From Usha
Annapurna!! I will miss you so! Your generous spirit, laughing eyes, and jois de vivre always inspired me and shored me up during the difficult times of life. When I moved away from Hawaii to Marin with my son and daughter, Annapurna opened up her home to us~ "If you fall I will catch you, time after time..." Yes, that was Annapurna- always the healer, offering wisdom, telling it straight, a lover of truth-- and she bowed to the Great Mystery- we shared humor and the cosmic joke~ She could howl with laughter, and also suffered the pain of her broken heart and challenge to breathe. We shared asthma stories--I somehow always knew she lived by grace since often her breath was so light, such grasping, and such letting go.
I met Annapurna in Boston in 1973. We shared astrology, and macrobiotics, and especially the spiritual quest. We were pilgrims, and young women, growing up together and traversing the challenging pathways of relationships and mothering...
And there was the time we sat in the forest above her house when a huge deer came leaping at us, jumping over our heads at the last moment~~Whew!! we curled up like two fairy wood sprites, thankful to be alive...and today I face the fact that she is no longer in body, but now in spirit, dancing on the rainbow with her luminous heart, free from the constraints of this world. I will miss very much. I will miss turning to her to speak of the ironies of life, the benchmark moments, -- our eyes would meet and we would just know, just get it... Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Swaha! Om Ah Hung Silver Queen~ Weaver of wisdom and truth~ Skywalker and Dakini, you are forever my inspiration~ a precious jewel, a one of a kind maverick goddess.
I met Annapurna in Boston in 1973. We shared astrology, and macrobiotics, and especially the spiritual quest. We were pilgrims, and young women, growing up together and traversing the challenging pathways of relationships and mothering...
And there was the time we sat in the forest above her house when a huge deer came leaping at us, jumping over our heads at the last moment~~Whew!! we curled up like two fairy wood sprites, thankful to be alive...and today I face the fact that she is no longer in body, but now in spirit, dancing on the rainbow with her luminous heart, free from the constraints of this world. I will miss very much. I will miss turning to her to speak of the ironies of life, the benchmark moments, -- our eyes would meet and we would just know, just get it... Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Swaha! Om Ah Hung Silver Queen~ Weaver of wisdom and truth~ Skywalker and Dakini, you are forever my inspiration~ a precious jewel, a one of a kind maverick goddess.
from diane dibble
annapurna (georgianne) was part of my life for fifty years. we first met when we were twelve years old. we were in seventh grade together in suburban sacramento. i don't remember why we became friends, but we did. we managed to live through junior high, high school, college, the sixties, and on into our sixties together.
after high school, she went on to UCB and i remained in sacramento, going to sacramento state for a few years, but we kept in touch, seeing each other during summers and holidays. when i moved to san francisco in january of 1966 to finish my last year of college at san francisco state, it was georgianne and mike smith who helped me move from sacramento to san francisco.
needless to say, there were lots of changes we went through during those years but nothing like what was coming. after graduating from berkeley, in the summer of 1966 georgianne moved into the city and we shared an apartment in the haight with two other friends and a few months later, we all moved out of the haight to an apartment on lyon street. we wandered haight street, saw the dead and the airplane in the panhandle of golden gate park, went to the be-in, attended the dances at the fillmore and the avalon and were very much a part of the cultural shift that was happening. while there was plenty of "sex, drugs and rock n roll" going on, to be sure, it was also around this time that georgianne met loring palmer and seriously began exploring eastern philosophies and religions. by 1970, i had moved to marin county and georgianne was at zen center and about to begin her pilgrimages to india and nepal.
throughout the seventies i received many wonderful letters and postcards in which she described her experiences in "inja." sometime in 1971 i received a postcard from her with a message that mahara-ji had named her annapurna.
later came news of her marriage to dhamadipo
and then gita's birth in 1973. although she was moving around quite a lot during this time, and we took different directions in our lives, we managed to keep in touch and visit when she was in the bay area. finally, in the late seventies, she returned to the bay area with michael, they settled in corte madera and in 1981 she gave birth to nicholas.
we saw each other occasionally during the eighties and nineties -- high school class reunions, infrequent dinners with friends and occasional parties. the past few years, she, pam (another friend from high school), denise (her roommate in college) and i began to get together for dinner on a more-or-less regular basis.
last friday pam, denise, annapurna and i had one of our semi-regular dinners together at la trattoria siciliana in oakland. the food was fantastic and we had a great visit. annapurna even ate more than she usually did. at the end of the meal, we set a date for our next dinner, hugged each other and went our separate ways.
we knew each other so many years -- annapurna was like a sister to me as i was the only girl in my family and had younger brothers. she was wise, loving, compassionate and a dear friend. i am blessed to have had her in my life.
my dear sweet sister, you are in my heart always.
after high school, she went on to UCB and i remained in sacramento, going to sacramento state for a few years, but we kept in touch, seeing each other during summers and holidays. when i moved to san francisco in january of 1966 to finish my last year of college at san francisco state, it was georgianne and mike smith who helped me move from sacramento to san francisco.
needless to say, there were lots of changes we went through during those years but nothing like what was coming. after graduating from berkeley, in the summer of 1966 georgianne moved into the city and we shared an apartment in the haight with two other friends and a few months later, we all moved out of the haight to an apartment on lyon street. we wandered haight street, saw the dead and the airplane in the panhandle of golden gate park, went to the be-in, attended the dances at the fillmore and the avalon and were very much a part of the cultural shift that was happening. while there was plenty of "sex, drugs and rock n roll" going on, to be sure, it was also around this time that georgianne met loring palmer and seriously began exploring eastern philosophies and religions. by 1970, i had moved to marin county and georgianne was at zen center and about to begin her pilgrimages to india and nepal.
throughout the seventies i received many wonderful letters and postcards in which she described her experiences in "inja." sometime in 1971 i received a postcard from her with a message that mahara-ji had named her annapurna.
later came news of her marriage to dhamadipo
and then gita's birth in 1973. although she was moving around quite a lot during this time, and we took different directions in our lives, we managed to keep in touch and visit when she was in the bay area. finally, in the late seventies, she returned to the bay area with michael, they settled in corte madera and in 1981 she gave birth to nicholas.
we saw each other occasionally during the eighties and nineties -- high school class reunions, infrequent dinners with friends and occasional parties. the past few years, she, pam (another friend from high school), denise (her roommate in college) and i began to get together for dinner on a more-or-less regular basis.
last friday pam, denise, annapurna and i had one of our semi-regular dinners together at la trattoria siciliana in oakland. the food was fantastic and we had a great visit. annapurna even ate more than she usually did. at the end of the meal, we set a date for our next dinner, hugged each other and went our separate ways.
we knew each other so many years -- annapurna was like a sister to me as i was the only girl in my family and had younger brothers. she was wise, loving, compassionate and a dear friend. i am blessed to have had her in my life.
my dear sweet sister, you are in my heart always.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
From Steve Roth

To the family and friends of precious Annapurna:
Just as reflecting upon the unique facets of an exquisite jewel, we all come together in expressing our heartfelt love and enormous appreciation for this inspired being. I, like the rest of us, feel that Annapurna's friendship was and is a true blessing.her loving, caring, nurturing and compassionate nature touched the lives of each one of us and so many others. As was posted earlier, having such a rare and great living master as Chatrul Rinpoche personally perform phowa and prayers for Annapurna is indeed auspicious and relieves the rest of us from needing to do more pujas and prayers.
I can hear Annapurna in her unique style, laughing and joyfully reminding us all to rest in our innate blissful nature. EH MA HO!
A toast to you, Sweetheart, from one of Saraha's King Dohas:
This world of appearance has from its radiant beginning
Never come to be; unpatterned it has discarded patterning.
As such it is continuous and unique meditation;
It is nonmentation, stainless contemplation, and nonmind.
From Julie Freiberg
two years ago i was caring for my 92 year old mother who was turning to dust, but still able to go for the jugular!!..i was unable to find my breath, even in zazen....and the dx. of asthma was bestowed upon me.....i immediately called my friend and colleague and we had tea.....she reminded me of all the things that i know and in those difficult moments was forgetting...(.that is what friends do for each other).....then she talked about her being out of breath all those years and how she lived and worked with what can be terrifying and exhausting... and she reassured me that i was going to be fine.....we had a very rich afternoon....i saw her again at the last big clinic ended with a very warm and what now is to be our last big hug.....we shared interesting patients over the years and many stories of children, grandchildren and our i said last night i will really miss her beingness.... gassho to life and to death....
julie F.
julie F.
From Ayesha Rognlie
Annapurna truly lived the Dharma teachings. She never spoke unkindly about anyone and had such a joy and excitement about the precious moments that life brought her. She radiated such beauty and had an amazing magical presence. She introduced me to many, many great experiences that I so fondly remember and will always cherish. I have felt her presence so strongly over the last few days. What a blessing!
Ayesha Rognlie
Ayesha Rognlie
From Lama Palden
I met Annapurna in 1978 when she and Michael moved to Marin. They moved in with me in Corte Madera and when I moved to Bhutan in 1979 they kept the house and lived there 20 + more years. Annapurna has been a beloved dharma sister all these years and continuing on, as death does not stop our journeys together nor our friendship and love.
As everyone has mentioned she was an embodiment of the profound love, humility and kindness that also knows no boundaries or separations. Her friendship was so full-hearted. She was always sharing her own spiritual insights as well as her humanness.
Some years ago Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche suggested some of his students create a dance to Chandrakirti's teaching on the Sixteen Emptinessess, and 16 of us, including Annapurna danced it for him to music from her last CD. Then we all also performed it for HH the Dalai Lama in Tucson in 2005. That was fun to share together.
Our puja for her will be an offering of our love for her- not because she needs our prayers but as an offering of the abundance of our gratitude for her. There are never too many flowers and we are doing it in that spirit.
Lama Palden
As everyone has mentioned she was an embodiment of the profound love, humility and kindness that also knows no boundaries or separations. Her friendship was so full-hearted. She was always sharing her own spiritual insights as well as her humanness.
Some years ago Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche suggested some of his students create a dance to Chandrakirti's teaching on the Sixteen Emptinessess, and 16 of us, including Annapurna danced it for him to music from her last CD. Then we all also performed it for HH the Dalai Lama in Tucson in 2005. That was fun to share together.
Our puja for her will be an offering of our love for her- not because she needs our prayers but as an offering of the abundance of our gratitude for her. There are never too many flowers and we are doing it in that spirit.
Lama Palden
As her oldest cousin I never really knew her as Annapurna; she will always be Georgeanne to me and the rest of the cousins. But I certainly remember the girl with whom I went to Lake Tahoe during the hot summers so many years ago. And after my own journey to India, although in a different capacity, I came to appreciate how she had grown tremendously from the girl of those long ago days lying on the beach at that crystalline place.She told me not so many years ago, she and I were soul mates; and I knew it to be true. Just as she and I were that close, we knew no matter the length of time since last we spoke, there would be no lapse in the connection. This heart will miss her physical presence, but I know she is with me even now.
"I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of that I do not know." Cicero
2007-06-13 4.51.MD
"I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of that I do not know." Cicero
2007-06-13 4.51.MD
From John & Diane Stanley

Dordogne 1984
We spent wonderful summers with Annapurna in Dordogne, France, while HH Dudjom Rinpoche was alive.
This was taken at Dudjom Rinpoche's house, La Pechardie.

Kalachakra 2002
I went with Annapurna to the Kalachakra in Austria given by HHDalai Lama. In the picture are old dharma friends, Christine Moen and Ani Jinba.

Marin 2003
I spent a wonderful month living with Annapurna in Marin while taking a hypnotherapy course. This photo was taken outside her apartment in front of Mt. Tam.

Vegan girl
Does anyone recognize this? Her favorite place to eat in Marin.

At Pine St Clinic
Annapurna had a healing presence wherever she was -- notice the light!
From Carol Schlenger
I was (am, will always be) a friend of Annapurna's from the days when we were both students of Dudjom Rinpoche. I live in Nepal, am a student of Chatral Rinpoche, and am now in Florida visiting my Mother when I received the sad news of your mother's passing from Diane Stanley. I immediately called Chatral Rinpoche, my Guru, who is in India, still, and he was apprised of this yesterday. He remembers Annapurna although he hadn't seen her in decades, and also considered her one of his students. He performed p'howa for her and did many prayers for Annapurna, personally. When I asked his daughter, Semola Saraswati if there were other pujas or prayers that needed to be performed for Annapurna, Semola said, "no need, no need" -- which means that she's in a very very good place.
I just want to share with you how deeply saddened I am by your mother's passing. Although I haven't seen her in many years, we have corresponded for many years now and I have always considered her one of my close friends, in spirit. I share with you my sadness and my incredible admiration for your most wonderfully kind and caring mother.
Carol Schlenger
I just want to share with you how deeply saddened I am by your mother's passing. Although I haven't seen her in many years, we have corresponded for many years now and I have always considered her one of my close friends, in spirit. I share with you my sadness and my incredible admiration for your most wonderfully kind and caring mother.
Carol Schlenger
From Penny Fenner
I met Annapurna through Palden about 16 years ago and for many years she was primarily my Chinese doctor. Around 2000, our relationship became more of a friendship. Whenever I visited the Bay area from Australia we spent time together, and in more recent times, discussed the possibility of travelling together though sadly, it never quite manifested. I was looking forward to spending extended time with her this summer when I come to spend a month. And she will be missed!
Annapurna was an inspiration and joy. I loved her way of saying it as it is, her wisdom, wit and incredible generosity. She was a natural healer.
I sensed she may have had worsening health this past few months and several times wrote to ask her how she was doing but she never once referred to her health when she replied, which communicated to me that it must not be good. Only last week I asked Roger whether he had seen her and if she was well as I was worried about her asthma. So though it is a shock, it also makes sense that she has gone.
I totally agree with all you have said about her "capacity" to truly recongise the form/emptiness piece. How wonderful that you, her son, recognise her greatness, her humility, her true spaciousness. She got it Nick - she really did - she lived and breathed the truth of reality even when she struggled to breathe; her practice was her life, her life was a blessing, her form a gift to all who knew her. Perhaps she is teaching us all the greatest truth perhaps so we too may be encouraged to bring practice to life in every breath, in every moment!
May her life and death touch countless hearts and minds, inspiring in all of us a love of Truth, of reality, of love itself.
It has been a true privilege and honour to have been the recipient of her loving medical care and her loyal friendship. May you Nick, and all the family, be soothed and rest more easily knowing that Annapurna was a truly extraordinary woman, a downtown Dakini, a modern day Yogini, a sky dancer beaming radiant light from her inner core to all who knew her. May the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all the times continue to guide her journey free.
And may all beings be happy, and know love and peace, as did Annapurna.
With deepest regard and love,
Penny Fenner
Annapurna was an inspiration and joy. I loved her way of saying it as it is, her wisdom, wit and incredible generosity. She was a natural healer.
I sensed she may have had worsening health this past few months and several times wrote to ask her how she was doing but she never once referred to her health when she replied, which communicated to me that it must not be good. Only last week I asked Roger whether he had seen her and if she was well as I was worried about her asthma. So though it is a shock, it also makes sense that she has gone.
I totally agree with all you have said about her "capacity" to truly recongise the form/emptiness piece. How wonderful that you, her son, recognise her greatness, her humility, her true spaciousness. She got it Nick - she really did - she lived and breathed the truth of reality even when she struggled to breathe; her practice was her life, her life was a blessing, her form a gift to all who knew her. Perhaps she is teaching us all the greatest truth perhaps so we too may be encouraged to bring practice to life in every breath, in every moment!
May her life and death touch countless hearts and minds, inspiring in all of us a love of Truth, of reality, of love itself.
It has been a true privilege and honour to have been the recipient of her loving medical care and her loyal friendship. May you Nick, and all the family, be soothed and rest more easily knowing that Annapurna was a truly extraordinary woman, a downtown Dakini, a modern day Yogini, a sky dancer beaming radiant light from her inner core to all who knew her. May the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all the times continue to guide her journey free.
And may all beings be happy, and know love and peace, as did Annapurna.
With deepest regard and love,
Penny Fenner
From George Pitagorsky
I am so sad to hear of Annapurna's passing.
I considered her a dear friend for many years and have only good memories of our times together. As you already know she was a very special person.
George P
I considered her a dear friend for many years and have only good memories of our times together. As you already know she was a very special person.
George P
From Denise Cody
dearest nick,
this time must be so difficult for you
annapurna (georgianne) and i were roommates in the 60s at berkeley
we had dinner with pam & diane last friday night
i will greatly miss her
my thoughts are with you , your sister & father and the entire family
denise cody
this time must be so difficult for you
annapurna (georgianne) and i were roommates in the 60s at berkeley
we had dinner with pam & diane last friday night
i will greatly miss her
my thoughts are with you , your sister & father and the entire family
denise cody
From Jyoti Elias
Dear Nick,
It is with much sadness that I heard of your mother's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister, as well as with prayers of liberation for Annapurna. Your Mom was a kindred spirit, colleague and Dharma sister to me and her presence will be mourned and missed. I always appreciated her beautiful smile and her calm and centered nature and presence whenever I saw her at the clinic or at Dharma events. The last time I saw her was just weeks ago at the teachings given by HH Dalai Lama. She was radiant and happy at being at the teachings and it was wonderful seeing her so blissed out! I felt that she was in her Dakini form, transformed and joyful.
I know that you know how special she was to so many people and how honored we all were to have her in the community of dedicated spiritual practitioners. She will rest in our prayers with love and blessings.
My thoughts are will you Nick,
Blessings, Jyoti Elias
It is with much sadness that I heard of your mother's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister, as well as with prayers of liberation for Annapurna. Your Mom was a kindred spirit, colleague and Dharma sister to me and her presence will be mourned and missed. I always appreciated her beautiful smile and her calm and centered nature and presence whenever I saw her at the clinic or at Dharma events. The last time I saw her was just weeks ago at the teachings given by HH Dalai Lama. She was radiant and happy at being at the teachings and it was wonderful seeing her so blissed out! I felt that she was in her Dakini form, transformed and joyful.
I know that you know how special she was to so many people and how honored we all were to have her in the community of dedicated spiritual practitioners. She will rest in our prayers with love and blessings.
My thoughts are will you Nick,
Blessings, Jyoti Elias
From Michelle Silver
dear ap,
secrets of women
thank you for the pleasure of your company, with love, buddha girl
secrets of women
thank you for the pleasure of your company, with love, buddha girl
From Mike Dickman
Just this minute heard. Our profound condolences from Paris. She was a great lass, your mother.
I'll be pitch in my own prayers, for what they're worth, but I'm sure Rinpoche has done all that is really necessary.
Much love and strength to you.
Mike Dickman & Family
I'll be pitch in my own prayers, for what they're worth, but I'm sure Rinpoche has done all that is really necessary.
Much love and strength to you.
Mike Dickman & Family
From Jyoti Elias
Dear Nick,
It is with much sadness that I heard of your mother's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister, as well as with prayers of liberation for Annapurna. Your Mom was a kindred spirit, colleague and Dharma sister to me and her presence will be mourned and missed. I always appreciated her beautiful smile and her calm and centered nature and presence whenever I saw her at the clinic or at Dharma events. The last time I saw her was just weeks ago at the teachings given by HH Dalai Lama. She was radiant and happy at being at the teachings and it was wonderful seeing her so blissed out! I felt that she was in her Dakini form, transformed and joyful.
I know that you know how special she was to so many people and how honored we all were to have her in the community of dedicated spiritual practitioners. She will rest in our prayers with love and blessings.
My thoughts are will you Nick,
Blessings, Jyoti Elias
It is with much sadness that I heard of your mother's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister, as well as with prayers of liberation for Annapurna. Your Mom was a kindred spirit, colleague and Dharma sister to me and her presence will be mourned and missed. I always appreciated her beautiful smile and her calm and centered nature and presence whenever I saw her at the clinic or at Dharma events. The last time I saw her was just weeks ago at the teachings given by HH Dalai Lama. She was radiant and happy at being at the teachings and it was wonderful seeing her so blissed out! I felt that she was in her Dakini form, transformed and joyful.
I know that you know how special she was to so many people and how honored we all were to have her in the community of dedicated spiritual practitioners. She will rest in our prayers with love and blessings.
My thoughts are will you Nick,
Blessings, Jyoti Elias
From Julie Freiberg
dear nick.....i was sad when i heard of annapurna's
leaving.....we always were happy to see each other and
spend a little time talking and laughing together over
these many years......i was always inspired by her "
lung qi journey " and that singing and chanting gave
her the strength she needed...and what a beautiful
voice it was....i will treasure the cd's more than
ever.....i will miss her and hold her in my heart
.....and i send you my love.....please let me know if
there is anything i can do to make things easier for
you in the days to come.......your mom was a blessing
to many of, julie F.
leaving.....we always were happy to see each other and
spend a little time talking and laughing together over
these many years......i was always inspired by her "
lung qi journey " and that singing and chanting gave
her the strength she needed...and what a beautiful
voice it was....i will treasure the cd's more than
ever.....i will miss her and hold her in my heart
.....and i send you my love.....please let me know if
there is anything i can do to make things easier for
you in the days to come.......your mom was a blessing
to many of, julie F.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
From Uma
Dear Nicky,
Thanks so much for starting this blog, and giving us all a way to share our memories and love for your mother.
Annapurna was always a mentor to me, as well as a beloved friend these last 30+ years. I first met her in New York in the 70s, when we shared a house in Queens (along with about 10 other people). Gita was 2 years old, and in some ways I felt like Annapurna's other child. I was fairly new to the spiritual path, and Annapurna took me under her wing, sharing stories of her meetings with great saints, turning me on to the Tarot and I Ching, recommending "good" psychics and astrologers, and taking me to meet Tibetan lamas. I got a kick out of watching her stand in front of her closet each morning, vibing out what colors she wanted to wear that day. And she always looked very put together and pukka, in her long skirts and hippie blouses. I also chuckled when she threw the I Ching or Tarot again and again, until she got a reading she liked! She used to have what I called the "garage-sale siddhi." She could look at a pile of junk at a garage sale, and pull out an amazing Buddha image or a perfect clear crystal. She taught me kirtan songs, and exposed me to a range of spiritual practices.
Annapurna always had great stories to share about experiences she had had -- and she had some pretty amazing ones. One of my favorites was about a time when she was pregnant with Gita. She was hospitalized after a bad asthma attack, and was being given Cortisone. She was so worried about the effect of the drugs on the baby, and she prayed to Maharajji (Neem Karoli Baba) for a sign that the baby would be okay. She said she prayed for "a really clear sign, like a lotus or something." Shortly thereafter, Dhammadipo showed up at the hospital with a lotus-seed mala. He had owned the mala for a while, and when he picked it up on this day, one of the lotus seeds had sprouted!
She was a wonderful role model in her dedication to her practice. She never strayed from the path. Her advice to me always came from the highest perspective, and in the kindest terms. Her presence in my life was, without a doubt, a great blessing, and I will of course miss her deeply.
We send our prayers and blessings to you and Gita and all your family.
With much love,
Thanks so much for starting this blog, and giving us all a way to share our memories and love for your mother.
Annapurna was always a mentor to me, as well as a beloved friend these last 30+ years. I first met her in New York in the 70s, when we shared a house in Queens (along with about 10 other people). Gita was 2 years old, and in some ways I felt like Annapurna's other child. I was fairly new to the spiritual path, and Annapurna took me under her wing, sharing stories of her meetings with great saints, turning me on to the Tarot and I Ching, recommending "good" psychics and astrologers, and taking me to meet Tibetan lamas. I got a kick out of watching her stand in front of her closet each morning, vibing out what colors she wanted to wear that day. And she always looked very put together and pukka, in her long skirts and hippie blouses. I also chuckled when she threw the I Ching or Tarot again and again, until she got a reading she liked! She used to have what I called the "garage-sale siddhi." She could look at a pile of junk at a garage sale, and pull out an amazing Buddha image or a perfect clear crystal. She taught me kirtan songs, and exposed me to a range of spiritual practices.
Annapurna always had great stories to share about experiences she had had -- and she had some pretty amazing ones. One of my favorites was about a time when she was pregnant with Gita. She was hospitalized after a bad asthma attack, and was being given Cortisone. She was so worried about the effect of the drugs on the baby, and she prayed to Maharajji (Neem Karoli Baba) for a sign that the baby would be okay. She said she prayed for "a really clear sign, like a lotus or something." Shortly thereafter, Dhammadipo showed up at the hospital with a lotus-seed mala. He had owned the mala for a while, and when he picked it up on this day, one of the lotus seeds had sprouted!
She was a wonderful role model in her dedication to her practice. She never strayed from the path. Her advice to me always came from the highest perspective, and in the kindest terms. Her presence in my life was, without a doubt, a great blessing, and I will of course miss her deeply.
We send our prayers and blessings to you and Gita and all your family.
With much love,
The following is a link to an interview Annapurna gave in 1995 regarding her introduction to Zen, which was a major episode in her life:
From Reuven

A jolt for all of us, but then again it's so fragile and so precious we should rededicate ourselves to the highest vision and knowledge that we have.
Good that she was able to find peace in the final moments—comes through wisdom developed during a deep lifelong meditative practice.
For me she was always an inspiration, a bright shining deva.
Nibbana paramam sukha
Santutthi paramam dhãnam
From Deborah Tommassini
Anapurna was very present for me around the passing of my husband Luciano. I'm sure if you are in contact with any of the Buddhist teachers she sponsored they could help with prayers and chants for the service. Anapurna was a most wonderful spirit and friend and I will miss her. I am glad she was joyful and I´m certain her strong Buddhist practrice and great compassion will carry her spirit along on her journey.
Love and Blessings to You,
Deborah Tommassini
Anapurna was very present for me around the passing of my husband Luciano. I'm sure if you are in contact with any of the Buddhist teachers she sponsored they could help with prayers and chants for the service. Anapurna was a most wonderful spirit and friend and I will miss her. I am glad she was joyful and I´m certain her strong Buddhist practrice and great compassion will carry her spirit along on her journey.
Love and Blessings to You,
Deborah Tommassini
From Bob Slavin
Thank you for informing me of Annapurna's transition.
I knew her when she was a student at Berkeley when she lived across
the hall from me - we kept in touch off & on, but I hadn't seen her
for at least 20 years. I listened to her music (I'm so glad she
recorded!) and took solace in her world view . . . she saw a Grand
Scheme. This is the last picture she sent me. She was still
beautiful, of course.
Beyond the Beyond
The Heart Sutra is on both of my mother's albums, which you can download by clicking here.
An important part of this sutra is:
This roughly translates as:
The full text is available on her music website by clicking here
From Anahata Pomeroy
Dear Nick,
Luciel Leis, my daughter, called last night to tell me the news of Annapurna's passing. I am glad to hear her last moments were joyful, peaceful and without suffering. Joe Leis and I, parents of Luciel and Gabriel, lived in India in the 70s. Joe knew Annapurna from the Boston macrobiotic community where we met and told stories about his treatment of Annapurna's asthma--putting clothespins on the tips of her fingers while she fasted on brown rice, if I remember correctly. They were dear friends. Then Annapurna and Dhamadipo stayed with us in New Delhi when they would leave Nanital to come into the city. On Annapurna's invitation I went to Nanital to the ashram when Neem Karoli Baba was still living and that was a special event in my life. I was 7 months pregnant with Luciel at the time and wearing a chuba (Tibetan dress). Annapurna is Luciel's godmother.
I live in the Seattle area, and last night after the call I went out with my singing drum, into Puget sound on the pier here, and sang many prayers and songs for her, echoing her name again and again. What many trails we shared over the years as children of the 60s. She gave so much during her lifetime. Her smile and laugh remain with me. She had so much courage and the peace of Buddhism. May your days be filled with the wonder of dear Annapurna.
aloha, Anahata
Luciel Leis, my daughter, called last night to tell me the news of Annapurna's passing. I am glad to hear her last moments were joyful, peaceful and without suffering. Joe Leis and I, parents of Luciel and Gabriel, lived in India in the 70s. Joe knew Annapurna from the Boston macrobiotic community where we met and told stories about his treatment of Annapurna's asthma--putting clothespins on the tips of her fingers while she fasted on brown rice, if I remember correctly. They were dear friends. Then Annapurna and Dhamadipo stayed with us in New Delhi when they would leave Nanital to come into the city. On Annapurna's invitation I went to Nanital to the ashram when Neem Karoli Baba was still living and that was a special event in my life. I was 7 months pregnant with Luciel at the time and wearing a chuba (Tibetan dress). Annapurna is Luciel's godmother.
I live in the Seattle area, and last night after the call I went out with my singing drum, into Puget sound on the pier here, and sang many prayers and songs for her, echoing her name again and again. What many trails we shared over the years as children of the 60s. She gave so much during her lifetime. Her smile and laugh remain with me. She had so much courage and the peace of Buddhism. May your days be filled with the wonder of dear Annapurna.
aloha, Anahata
From Steven Palmer

corner of Haight and Ashbury, October 2005]
Thank you for spending time talking to me by phone yesterday. I had the need to be close to your mom and speaking to you helped me connect. I appreciate this blog as well since it allows me to relate my story of meeting Annapurna and the magic that she helped weave into my life.
I met Annapurna in October 2004 on a flight from San Francisco to New York where I live. I am a clinician at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York where I work as a physician assistant in the outpatient HIV clinic. So I was returning from a conference in San Francisco. She was on her way to Europe with her mother for a cruise. She had the window seat, me the aisle. I don’t remember what sparked our conversation, but it might have been some remark about how often I have to get up to pee, a predicament that Anna shared and I think she was relieved that she didn’t have to excuse herself a dozen times since she simply followed me to the head for our micturation excursions.
Anyways, through small-talk, I found out that Annapurna had graduated Berkeley in 1966 and moved to the Haight-Ashbury shortly thereafter. Now I was hooked. I am an archivist of the Haight-Ashbury and am conducting interviews for an oral histories project on the Haight, so I was drooling. She spoke about the scene, seeing Joplin and Big Brother and what a thrill the weekend dances at the Avalon and Fillmore were. She related having gone to the Human Be-In on January 14, 1967 and what a blast it was to see how many other people were heading in the same cosmic direction. She didn’t much like the Grateful Dead – she just didn’t think they were that good. She told me how she picked up a bad vibe at Altamont so went back to the car to wait until the concert was over. She discussed an intense acid trip she had out on the beach at the Great Highway and how she saw an image of Christ on the cross with arrows piercing him in several directions. I told her that image would have freaked me out. She told me she just saw it as another dimension. She told me she had 13 bad trips before she had a good one but continued on because she thought it was important. She was impressive and daring, a real pioneer of mind and spirit, as well as a strong woman.
Now here is where the story gets a little self-indulgent, but speaks to what a magic encounter we had that day. I had gone through a very rough period from the spring of 2001 through the end of 2003/beginning of 2004. In brief, I turned 40 which was followed by the 9/11 attack on New York, the death of two grandmothers, my partner, David, becoming deathly ill, the death of a patient from medicines I had prescribed which made my soul feel nauseous, and then turning 42, the age my mother was when she died. It was an intense period but the intensity of what I was going through felt somehow larger than the sum of all those events. By the time I had met Annapurna, the worst part was lifting though I still felt tenuous and reeling. She asked me my astrological sign (how 60’s!). I replied that I was a triple cancer to which she said, “wow, you’ve just come through a rough 2 and a half year period.” She said something about Mercury, etc. But I was just floored by her statement. I had been so cocksure before 2001 in the worst new-agey way. Then I was brought to my knees from this extended period. Annapurna caught me as I was brushing off but still dazed and wondering how to proceed. Her statement and the conversation that ensued helped steer me toward new openings when I wasn’t sure there were any. Let’s say I was having a crisis of faith.
Annapurna got me in touch with Jo’Ann Ruhl, a psychic who read my chart and gave me some insights that further normalized that difficult period. Jo’Ann got me in touch with Irene Siegel, an EMDR practitioner, and my life again feels fresh and expansive. I don’t mean to have this sound like hyperbole. I really see that “chance” meeting in the plane as pivotal to where I am now. Annapurna was not pushy. She was a darling and seated right next to me when I need nothing other than what she had to say.
In 2005, she met David and myself at the corner of Haight-Ashbury for tea at a nearby cafe. It was so nice to spend the afternoon with her. As I mentioned earlier, she was a doll. She was jubilant, unassuming, and pointed in her speech. When I found out she had died I was stunned and brokenhearted at the idea of her loss. But the sadness I feel about Annapurna dying coexists with immense gratitude. In the movie Shadowlands Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger are lovers. DW is dying from cancer. While on vacation enjoying themselves, DW brings up her cancer. Hopkins interrupts her and says “let’s just have happy times”. She says, “the happiness we feel now is the sadness we feel later – that’s the deal.” Thus it is when I think about Annapurna, a mixture of feelings I wouldn’t miss for the world.
I wish for love and happiness for Annapurna and for all those who knew and loved her.
Steven Palmer
From Geoffrey Gordon
I just shared with Jill Lyon from Randy Cherner's that Annapurna visited his office the day before she passed. Jill said Annapurna was so bright and open and beautiful. Annapurna shared with her how she had just completed her second Saturn return and was telling Jill not to worry, that's it's so good to be on the other side of it. She also said she was wondering what was coming next.
What a shock this is and a gift, a wake up call and appropriately coming from Annapurna. I am being reminded (again) by her of the preciousness of each moment we are in this human body, the moments we have to share with every being we see, and the grace of having a spiritual path that opens my heart and gives me courage to continue loving always.
Annapurna is so dear to me and obviously to many others. We first met in 1975. She was one of Maharaji's early American devotees at the time who reached out to me without any sense of elitism. I feel the loss of such a great being on this earth yet she continues up to this moment to show us equanimity in the way she loved all beings and will remind us always of Maharaji's teaching- Love Everyone, Feed Everyone. She continued to treat and heal me for free when I had no money and always opened her heart and mind to share herself in the most beautiful way a person can. I love you so Annapurna. Sending all my love to her family and all of those who feel the loss of her passing.
What a shock this is and a gift, a wake up call and appropriately coming from Annapurna. I am being reminded (again) by her of the preciousness of each moment we are in this human body, the moments we have to share with every being we see, and the grace of having a spiritual path that opens my heart and gives me courage to continue loving always.
Annapurna is so dear to me and obviously to many others. We first met in 1975. She was one of Maharaji's early American devotees at the time who reached out to me without any sense of elitism. I feel the loss of such a great being on this earth yet she continues up to this moment to show us equanimity in the way she loved all beings and will remind us always of Maharaji's teaching- Love Everyone, Feed Everyone. She continued to treat and heal me for free when I had no money and always opened her heart and mind to share herself in the most beautiful way a person can. I love you so Annapurna. Sending all my love to her family and all of those who feel the loss of her passing.
From Lama Rinchen Phuntsok
Dear Nicholas,
I got your email now and thank you very much.
I am very sorry to heard that your dear mother was past away. She is very good and kindly heart woman. I am sendiing my deep sympathy and condolence to you and your family.
I did many aspritioin prayers for her and may she have very peace and freed all delussions of Bardo and attain the liberation.
I also have requested to Kyabje Chadrasl Rinpoche, to say special prayers for Annapurna. So, Rinpoche's prayer blessing is with her.
Your's in Dharma,
Lama Rinchen Phuntsok.
I got your email now and thank you very much.
I am very sorry to heard that your dear mother was past away. She is very good and kindly heart woman. I am sendiing my deep sympathy and condolence to you and your family.
I did many aspritioin prayers for her and may she have very peace and freed all delussions of Bardo and attain the liberation.
I also have requested to Kyabje Chadrasl Rinpoche, to say special prayers for Annapurna. So, Rinpoche's prayer blessing is with her.
Your's in Dharma,
Lama Rinchen Phuntsok.
From Luciel Leis
My heart and my love is with you and your family. Your mother was a kind, beautiful, peaceful presence. I will miss her dearly. She gave me a Buddha each time she saw me for a momentous occasion in my college graduation, when my own father died. This week, I will gift myself a Buddha in her honor *this* momentous occasion, as she passes from one life to the next. She will continue to shine.
Please keep me informed as to when the celebration of her life will materialize. She had the wrong email address for me, so if you could use this one instead, I would be most grateful.
With love and affection for her memory,
My heart and my love is with you and your family. Your mother was a kind, beautiful, peaceful presence. I will miss her dearly. She gave me a Buddha each time she saw me for a momentous occasion in my college graduation, when my own father died. This week, I will gift myself a Buddha in her honor *this* momentous occasion, as she passes from one life to the next. She will continue to shine.
Please keep me informed as to when the celebration of her life will materialize. She had the wrong email address for me, so if you could use this one instead, I would be most grateful.
With love and affection for her memory,
From Lama Palden
Dear Friends,
All of us who knew Annapurna greatly appreciated her loving kindness, generosity, wisdom and many outstanding qualities. Many of her friends are doing spiritual practice for her, although I think we all feel that she is in the best hands possible and is undoubtedly doing very well. The family will be letting us know when the Memorial will be.
We will hold an Amitabha puja for her at Sukhasiddhi Foundation in San Rafael this Saturday evening, June 16th at 7 pm. This is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation ceremony to shower her with love and merit so as to create the best possible circumstances for her now and in the future. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please arrive a little early so we can start on time. Flowers are welcome. Directions are on our website below.
all my love and prayers for all of you,
Lama Palden
Sukhasiddhi Foundation
1938A Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Lama Palden's office: (415) 721-2952
All of us who knew Annapurna greatly appreciated her loving kindness, generosity, wisdom and many outstanding qualities. Many of her friends are doing spiritual practice for her, although I think we all feel that she is in the best hands possible and is undoubtedly doing very well. The family will be letting us know when the Memorial will be.
We will hold an Amitabha puja for her at Sukhasiddhi Foundation in San Rafael this Saturday evening, June 16th at 7 pm. This is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation ceremony to shower her with love and merit so as to create the best possible circumstances for her now and in the future. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please arrive a little early so we can start on time. Flowers are welcome. Directions are on our website below.
all my love and prayers for all of you,
Lama Palden
Sukhasiddhi Foundation
1938A Fourth Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
Lama Palden's office: (415) 721-2952
From Diane Stanley
Dear Friends, I'd like to share this email Annapurna sent me beginning of
With love,
Diane Stanley
From: Annapurna
To: Diane Stanley
Subject: short message
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 16:08:34 GMT
Sweet girl~
These days into spirals - centrifugal/peta force
meets in singularity then switchs.
Maybe like the double helix --
a self-perpetuating dynamo on the macro/micro level.
Black holes unltimately turn into Big Bangs.
As Khenpo Tsultrim said - don't think you are a person, a body.
Seeing phenomena from a more even place now, although who's the seer.
Resting peacefully in the Unborn
Love where I'm planted for now
Poor planet - what a mess
So it's like that....
With love,
Diane Stanley
From: Annapurna
To: Diane Stanley
Subject: short message
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 16:08:34 GMT
Sweet girl~
These days into spirals - centrifugal/peta force
meets in singularity then switchs.
Maybe like the double helix --
a self-perpetuating dynamo on the macro/micro level.
Black holes unltimately turn into Big Bangs.
As Khenpo Tsultrim said - don't think you are a person, a body.
Seeing phenomena from a more even place now, although who's the seer.
Resting peacefully in the Unborn
Love where I'm planted for now
Poor planet - what a mess
So it's like that....
From Michael Horowitz
My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
It was a pleasure to have known Annapurna since the
late 1960s. She was truly an unforgettable person.
Michael Horowitz
San Francisco
My deepest sympathies to you and your family.
It was a pleasure to have known Annapurna since the
late 1960s. She was truly an unforgettable person.
Michael Horowitz
San Francisco
From Susan O'Farrell
Dear Nicholas,
My deep condolences on the loss of your dear Mother. I am so saddened to
learn of Annapurna passing. Thank you so much for sharing. We were
classmates at El Camino High School in the 60's and only reuninted through
the last two reunions. She had sent me a couple of her beautiful CD's, and
I believe I had shared with her that my first grandchild is due later this
summer. Our contact was sporadic the last year or so, had she been ill? Oh
Nick, I am so sorry! I've no experience or knowledge about Buddhist
tradition, but please let me know what plans are created.
Love and light to you in return,
Susan O'Farrell
My deep condolences on the loss of your dear Mother. I am so saddened to
learn of Annapurna passing. Thank you so much for sharing. We were
classmates at El Camino High School in the 60's and only reuninted through
the last two reunions. She had sent me a couple of her beautiful CD's, and
I believe I had shared with her that my first grandchild is due later this
summer. Our contact was sporadic the last year or so, had she been ill? Oh
Nick, I am so sorry! I've no experience or knowledge about Buddhist
tradition, but please let me know what plans are created.
Love and light to you in return,
Susan O'Farrell
From Alwyn de Wally (a.k.a. Wallace Gorell)
Dear Nicholas,
I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s death. You and Gita have my deepest sympathy on your loss.
We first met, your mother and I, when we were about twenty, some forty years ago, at a photo shoot for the San Francisco Calliope Company, a theatre group in which I was an actor. Perhaps you have seen the publicity photo taken that day which worked its way into a book on the Grateful Dead. If you have, you might imagine that those were days of carefree frivolity, but in fact they were far from carefree times. The Viet Nam war insanity was a good deal worse even than today’s madness. Your mother and I and our friends were trying hard to change the world, to walk a path of peacefulness. We were inspired by the new “mind-expanding” drug LSD, and by older ones like peyote and psilocybin. We made our way through those sometimes dense psychedelic jungles almost entirely without guides, hoping to lead the way for others, hoping at long last to civilize human society.
Not everyone made it through those jungles quite sane, and most of us felt a bit burnt out from the experience. We hadn’t yet brought peace to the planet, but neither had we given up hope. Annapurna (then Georgeanne) and I both turned to clean living and meditation as a new path to higher consciousness. We spent time together in Boston studying with Michio Kushi, trying to grow stronger and to make some sense of life. Eschewing drugs, chewing whole grain rice instead, we each tried to cultivate peace in our own heart. My studies there led me to an interest in acupuncture, then almost entirely unknown in this country. I went off to Japan to study it— Communist China was then still off limits to Americans— but never found a suitable teacher. Meanwhile, the meditative path took Annapurna to the Indian subcontinent where I visited her on my way back from Japan a year and a half later. She sneaked out of the Burmese Buddhist Temple, where she was cloistered, to tell me that she was determined to stay in India until she reached enlightenment.
Over the years since then we have seen each other not very often. I missed your sister’s and your childhood almost entirely. Strangely, even though she became the acupuncturist I once wanted to be, I don’t think I ever went to her for a treatment. We saw each other at milestone parties or funerals or for lunch from time to time. Lucky for me, our last lunch together was just a few weeks ago. She was full of enthusiasm, as always— new destinations, new liaisons— and constant as always with her devotions— her children, her friends, her Buddhist practice, her diet. There was even talk of undertaking some new psychedelic explorations. Jombi, my partner of almost two years, met her then for the first time and liked her enormously. “She has all the vibrancy of a happy child,” he said. “I hope we’ll see a lot more of her.” I wish that could have happened. She liked him, too.
For myself, I am glad to have known your mother for so many years. She was a wonderful woman, as I’m sure you know.
I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s death. You and Gita have my deepest sympathy on your loss.
We first met, your mother and I, when we were about twenty, some forty years ago, at a photo shoot for the San Francisco Calliope Company, a theatre group in which I was an actor. Perhaps you have seen the publicity photo taken that day which worked its way into a book on the Grateful Dead. If you have, you might imagine that those were days of carefree frivolity, but in fact they were far from carefree times. The Viet Nam war insanity was a good deal worse even than today’s madness. Your mother and I and our friends were trying hard to change the world, to walk a path of peacefulness. We were inspired by the new “mind-expanding” drug LSD, and by older ones like peyote and psilocybin. We made our way through those sometimes dense psychedelic jungles almost entirely without guides, hoping to lead the way for others, hoping at long last to civilize human society.
Not everyone made it through those jungles quite sane, and most of us felt a bit burnt out from the experience. We hadn’t yet brought peace to the planet, but neither had we given up hope. Annapurna (then Georgeanne) and I both turned to clean living and meditation as a new path to higher consciousness. We spent time together in Boston studying with Michio Kushi, trying to grow stronger and to make some sense of life. Eschewing drugs, chewing whole grain rice instead, we each tried to cultivate peace in our own heart. My studies there led me to an interest in acupuncture, then almost entirely unknown in this country. I went off to Japan to study it— Communist China was then still off limits to Americans— but never found a suitable teacher. Meanwhile, the meditative path took Annapurna to the Indian subcontinent where I visited her on my way back from Japan a year and a half later. She sneaked out of the Burmese Buddhist Temple, where she was cloistered, to tell me that she was determined to stay in India until she reached enlightenment.
Over the years since then we have seen each other not very often. I missed your sister’s and your childhood almost entirely. Strangely, even though she became the acupuncturist I once wanted to be, I don’t think I ever went to her for a treatment. We saw each other at milestone parties or funerals or for lunch from time to time. Lucky for me, our last lunch together was just a few weeks ago. She was full of enthusiasm, as always— new destinations, new liaisons— and constant as always with her devotions— her children, her friends, her Buddhist practice, her diet. There was even talk of undertaking some new psychedelic explorations. Jombi, my partner of almost two years, met her then for the first time and liked her enormously. “She has all the vibrancy of a happy child,” he said. “I hope we’ll see a lot more of her.” I wish that could have happened. She liked him, too.
For myself, I am glad to have known your mother for so many years. She was a wonderful woman, as I’m sure you know.
A thousands compassion upon her !
I was shoked when I received the email who announced me the sad news...
I met Annapurna last year in November during my voyage on a cruise ship on Medditeranean Sea.
Such a great and warm hearted person. Despite the fact that I'm not an american and I'm the same age as her son, She talked to me a lot about spirituality, religions and the great God.
She gave me the cd of her music, oh ! What a great music !
Last night, despite de fact that I' 30 years old and a practicant of Mixed Martial Arts, i cryed like an lone , abandonate child !
May God thake care of her soul
I met Annapurna last year in November during my voyage on a cruise ship on Medditeranean Sea.
Such a great and warm hearted person. Despite the fact that I'm not an american and I'm the same age as her son, She talked to me a lot about spirituality, religions and the great God.
She gave me the cd of her music, oh ! What a great music !
Last night, despite de fact that I' 30 years old and a practicant of Mixed Martial Arts, i cryed like an lone , abandonate child !
May God thake care of her soul
From Diane Hatz
Dear Nicholas -
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Annapurna was an amazing soul, and I know she'll have a sparkling rebirth.
All the best,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Annapurna was an amazing soul, and I know she'll have a sparkling rebirth.
All the best,
From Ani Jinba
Dear Nicholas,
I was extremely sad to hear about Annapurna's sudden passing and send my condolences. I am right now in Bhutan so the news took a while to reach me but Chokyi called me this morning and then I also got your emails. We were very old friends sind the seventies in India. I am returning to Nepal in a few days and will ask Trulshik Rinpoche there to do special prayers for her and will light butterlamps at the Bodhnath and Swayambu stupas form her. Please keep me informed about other ceremonies etc.
Thank you, Ani Jinba.
I was extremely sad to hear about Annapurna's sudden passing and send my condolences. I am right now in Bhutan so the news took a while to reach me but Chokyi called me this morning and then I also got your emails. We were very old friends sind the seventies in India. I am returning to Nepal in a few days and will ask Trulshik Rinpoche there to do special prayers for her and will light butterlamps at the Bodhnath and Swayambu stupas form her. Please keep me informed about other ceremonies etc.
Thank you, Ani Jinba.
From Mohan
Dear Nicholas,
Our hearts reach out to you during this difficult time. I believe we only met maybe once or twice when you were much younger on a brief visit to Marin from NY. I saw your mom last summer when I was staying at Dr Jacques for a couple of weeks and my new wife Swamini met her for just the first time then. She shared her new recording with us.
Your mom & I had a unique bond. We were together along with Surya das & Ram Dass (who brought us to Him) the first time we physically met Maharaji, Neem Karoli Baba. We were kneeling side by side when we had that first darshan. It was a very magical, life altering moment as He related to & touched us each so individually different yet the with the same love. As I have been living in India mostly these past 9 years I visit that spot (near the entrance to Kainchi Ashram, in the Kumoun District of Uttarakhand State) often. In 2 days on the 15th of June each year is the largest celebration of the year there & approximately 100,000 people attend a Bhandara and are fed Prasad. I will send word so prayers can be said for Annapurna.
She will always be with us.
Thank you for including me in your communications at this time.
Much Love,
Our hearts reach out to you during this difficult time. I believe we only met maybe once or twice when you were much younger on a brief visit to Marin from NY. I saw your mom last summer when I was staying at Dr Jacques for a couple of weeks and my new wife Swamini met her for just the first time then. She shared her new recording with us.
Your mom & I had a unique bond. We were together along with Surya das & Ram Dass (who brought us to Him) the first time we physically met Maharaji, Neem Karoli Baba. We were kneeling side by side when we had that first darshan. It was a very magical, life altering moment as He related to & touched us each so individually different yet the with the same love. As I have been living in India mostly these past 9 years I visit that spot (near the entrance to Kainchi Ashram, in the Kumoun District of Uttarakhand State) often. In 2 days on the 15th of June each year is the largest celebration of the year there & approximately 100,000 people attend a Bhandara and are fed Prasad. I will send word so prayers can be said for Annapurna.
She will always be with us.
Thank you for including me in your communications at this time.
Much Love,
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